The prophet Isaiah wrote in chapter 60 that darkness covers the land and deep darkness the people but the glory of the lord is risen upon you.
I believe this is where we are in the dispensation of time and God is saying raise leaders! Leaders who can live a prophetic lifestyle listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit, who have a deep foundations in the Word.
It is your calling to run for God,to be a light, not hidden under a bushel.A city on a hill for all to see .Right now the awakening of the nations is happening.
AAA Prophetic Mentoring empowers you for the journey God has put before you.The aim is to provoke you to living on fire for God, find your direction and run your race.Biblical tuition and training in discerning the Holy spirit and truth.
Each week we will have course content designed to grow and stretch you.
We will have teaching, mentorship and Q+A sessions.This will allow you to develop alongside a group of like minded individuals with King Jesus at the centre and become an effective part of the body changing the world for Jesus.
We have costs to cover for this ,including the time put in ,but as we want everyone to be able to step up and do this ,and run for God,we are supplying this for only
£9.99 pm
Once subscribed you will be emailed an invitation to our Private AAA mentoring Facebook group.
Here you will find teachings and lessons as well as schedule for Q+A sessions and upcoming meetings .